General Hospital

General Hospital Spoilers: Valentin And Nikolas Accept The Deal And Jack Saves Them Both!

General Hospital spoilers tease that Valentin Cassadine may have received news of Lulu Spencer’s liver failure. Valentin could think about bringing Charlotte Cassadine home. After all, Charlotte is Lulu’s daughter, and Valentin cannot let Charlotte never see her mother again for his own selfish reasons.

But Valentin knows that returning to town will mean going to jail. It is very likely that Valentin will choose the dangerous option of asking for Jack Brennan’s help. Of course, Jack does nothing without benefiting himself. Jack can force Valentin to return to town and work for the WSB. In addition, Jack also wants Nikolas Cassadine to become his new henchman.

That means Valentin is forced to convince Nikolas to work for the WSB. In return, Nikolas will also be freed. Valentin will think about his own future, as well as the future of his daughter, Charlotte. Valentin will not be able to run away forever.

Of course, Valentin will ask Jack to help him clear his name. Jack freed himself from prison, and his criminal record miraculously disappeared. That allowed Jack to return to town and open a new WSB office. Jack went public, and the law could do nothing to him since they had no evidence of his crimes. They knew Jack was guilty, but his record was so clean that they couldn’t arrest him.

Jack would help Valentin and Nikolas do the same as long as they worked under him and swore never to betray him. For Valentin, being able to freely move around town was already a privilege, so he agreed to this condition. Valentin would also convince Nikolas to work for Jack, just like the deal Jack made for Nikolas.

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Nikolas chose to turn himself into the police and go to jail for a better life, but all he got was pain. When Spencer Cassadine died and Ace had not been near his father since he was born, Nikolas’s imprisonment no longer had much meaning. Nikolas no longer had the ideal of becoming a better person, which makes him decide to agree to Valentin’s proposal—to be free, even though he knows it’s a bad thing.

Nikolas wants to be close to Ace and make up for the losses he has experienced. Then, Nikolas will also think about reuniting with Lucky Spencer and Lulu Spencer. They are his relatives, and he does not want to miss this opportunity. Nikolas will not be able to accept that Lulu will die and he won’t be present at her funeral.

There are too many reasons for Nikolas to want to be free at the present time. Of course, Laura Collins is also part of the reason. Nikolas has seen his mother suffer too much in the past, and he does not want that to happen anymore. The children’s reunion will be the greatest comfort for Laura at this time.

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Finally, because of his desire for freedom and for his family to be reunited, Nikolas is willing to become a bad guy. Jack’s WSB force will become stronger with the participation of the Cassadine family members. Jack will gradually manipulate power in the town, and his influence will expand once again.

Having stumbled before, this time Jack has better and more secretive strategies. Jack will even be successful in covering up his identity as an extremely dangerous villain. Valentin will once again be the one to help Jack consolidate power and develop influence. By then, Sonny Corinthos may no longer be Jack’s opponent. Even the PCPD and FBI will not be able to do anything to Jack if they do not unite and eliminate him.

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