General Hospital

General Hospital News: Sonny and Jason make peace but who will continue to destroy their friendship?

Since Jason’s return earlier this year, viewers have been caught in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. In other words, the resurrection of his character brought with it a profound sense of betrayal, particularly between him and Sonny. The heart of the issue stems from Jason’s time away; he was undercover for the FBI. Sonny’s reaction to his revelations was anything but forgiving. Jason’s decision to work against the very world Sonny had built left their long-standing friendship teetering on the brink of collapse.

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The underlying problem is exacerbated by Ava, who cunningly exploits this rift by implanting seeds of doubt in Sonny’s mind about both his best friend’s intentions and loyalty. She nudges him towards paranoia, ensuring he questions every move Jason makes, including the motives behind his undercover work. Sonny’s increasing paranoia also stems from a worrying development regarding his mental health. He has been receiving only a fraction of his prescribed medication, and now Ava has gone one step further by swapping them out completely for placebos.

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Complicating matters further is the arrival of Jon, who is not only a reminder of Jason’s past actions but also pressuring him about the sacrifices made for the sake of Carly’s freedom during his undercover mission. After gaining her freedom, Carly told her ex-husband the whole story, with special emphasis on why Jason worked for the FBI. Regardless, Sonny still couldn’t give him a chance to get as close as they used to be.

General Hospital spoilers note that the two men will find common ground as they work together to take down Jon. Plus, Jason helping Sonny figure out why he spiraled out of control will bring their friendship back. But even if they make up, they’ll still be at odds over a woman named Carly. Even though Sonny and she are no longer husband and wife, he’s not sure his feelings for her have completely died down. Meanwhile, Jason always puts Carly first, so it’s likely that she will be the reason for the two men to become enemies in the future.

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