90 Day Fiance

90 Day Fiancé: Did Michael Scam Angela? (Everything Her Private Investigator Revealed)

The 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? season 8 Tell All has finally revealed if Michael Ilesanmi had scammed Angela Deem for a visa and if he had ever cheated on her during the eight years they’d been together. Angela did not trust Michael right from the start because he was from Nigeria, but he was young and giving her attention which she couldn’t resist and had flown to meet him on Before the 90 Days season 2 in 2017. Michael came to the U.S. on a spousal visa in December 2023 and escaped from Angela’s house in February 2024.

Michael did not know that his wife had hired a private investigator. He kept saying that he was in the U.S. for the right reasons, but Angela never gave him a chance to explain himself. She proved him right by continuously talking over him at the Tell All and yelling at him whenever she saw the other cast members taking his side. Not only Angela, but even her daughter Skyla Deem was talking Michael down in front of the cast. The Tell All exposed everyone’s true colors, including Michael’s, whose life was investigated by a detective named Todd.

Angela Hired A Private Investigator Named Todd

a montage of Michael and Angela looking sad

Angela’s daughter Skyla encouraged her to go see a private investigator. Michael had been in the U.S. for two weeks by that time. Angela already felt like he was lying because he was “acting shady,” especially after she got him a new phone. Angela recalled wanting to see his phone and Michael taking “10 minutes” to fetch it. She saw that he “jumped” when she walked in on him and saw him crouched over the phone. Angela must have suspected that Michael was deleting something from it before she could see it.

“I scare him all the time. When he has a delay, he won’t jump right then, but three seconds later, he’ll jump like he jumped right, like I caught him.”

Angela wanted to know if Michael was in the U.S. for her or if she was there for himself before Michael got any more involved in her family. Angela couldn’t help flirting with the detective and told him he was handsome when she met him. She explained how she had suspected Michael had a lying problem when she went to meet Michael for the first time in Nigeria. Most of their relationship had been long distance but now that he was in America, Angela wanted to figure out if he was trying to get his ducks together and leave her.

Todd Created A 189-Page Report On Michael

 a montage of michael ilesanmi in red looking annoyed

Todd had asked Angela to do her “homework” and get all the profile names that Michael had used on social media. He was going to do a complete “dark web, gray web, and surface web” search. He said he had a network that had a long reach worldwide. He even had people in Nigeria who were able to extract information even if it had been deleted by pulling everything off the internet. Todd was certain that they were going to find some “big answers” within the “Paradise Men” group itself to prove Michael was a scammer.

Angela had not spoken with Todd since meeting him the first time because she was “scared to death” about what he might find. She wanted to be proved wrong. Todd had carried an 189-page report on Michael containing almost every single thing that had ever been mentioned about Michael on the internet. It took a staff of five investigators to dig out all the information. He warned Michael to disclose anything he wanted to before he could be exposed. Michael refused to talk about it. “No, no,” was his reply.

Todd Discovered Michael Had Three Instagram Accounts

Todd started discussing Michael’s presence on social media. He asked Michael how many Facebook accounts he had. Michael said he only had one and Angela was the one controlling it. Michael remained silent when Todd asked him about his Instagram accounts. Todd had found proof that Michael had three Instagram profiles. Michael said he was not familiar with any Instagram accounts and that people imitated him by making fake profiles. He insisted the only social media he had was the Facebook page that Angela had linked to her phone.

Michael Came Clean About His Relationship With Cheetah

90 Day Fiancé Michael Ilesanmi looking sad in printed shirt next to silhouette of woman

Michael then spoke about a woman named Cheetah that Angela had suspected was his secret girlfriend in Nigeria. Michael said the woman named Cheetah was in one of the visa process groups he had been a part of. He explained that the reason why he privately chatted with her was because her mother was applying for a K-1 visa. Angela accused Michael of lying because she remembered it was Cheetah’s husband who had wanted a visa and not her mom. Still, Michael revealed Cheetah had only messaged him to thank him once her mom secured the interview dates.

Todd Mentioned A Mystery Woman Who’s Michael’s Family Friend

90 Day Fiancé Angela Deem Michael Ilesanmi sitting next to each other with silhouette of mystery woman

Todd wasn’t “positive” about the relationship that Michael had with one particular woman his team had “uncovered.” He presented Michael with the opportunity to explain. Michael had known the woman for a while. The network beeped out the woman’s name when Todd revealed it. Michael said the woman was a family friend and that she was a 36-year-old. When it was confirmed that Michael had no relationship with the woman, Angela tried to divert the topic and started arguing with Jasmine Pineda. She told her the same woman who Michael was cheating with in 2022 had also DM’ed Gino Palazzolo.

Todd Confirmed Michael Wasn’t Cheating On Angela

90 Day Fiancé Angela Deem in printed top looking serious and Michael Ilesanmi wearing blue shirt smiling cryptically surrounded by graphics of steel hearts

Regardless, Todd replied, “To answer your question directly, no, there’s not” when Shaun Robinson asked if there was anything about the mystery woman that raised a red flag. Todd had a 160-page report to prove it. Angela screamed, “I don’t care” and walked out of the Tell All. She was sure the two weeks’ worth of investigation hadn’t been able to uncover Michael’s secrets. Angela was just angry because she had been proved wrong. Angela had said that if the private investigator did not find any evidence of Michael cheating, she would trust him, but she still didn’t.

Todd Couldn’t Prove Michael Scammed Angela To Come To The U.S.

image of of Michael with a Fourth of July theme

It was 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? star Ashley Michelle’s turn to speak to Todd as she asked him if he had found anything to prove that Michael was scamming Angela. Todd spoke to Skyla and showed her the file which was “a lot of digging” and was “pretty much his life” that he had been able to uncover. He said, “I don’t have anything concrete that suggests, even implies that he is an unethical person in terms of relationship. I don’t. It’s not there.” Todd proved Michael wasn’t doing anything that Angela had accused him of doing.

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