90 Day Fiance

90 Day Fiancé: 8 Reasons Michael Ilesanmi Will Reconcile With Angela Deem (He Secretly Wants To Be With Her)

Michael Ilesanmi from 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? will likely return to Angela Deem after facing a few setbacks in the United States or for personal gains. The Nigerian man was in his late 20s when he first met Angela on Facebook. Michael fell in love with Angela’s bold personality and overlooked their 22-year age gap, hoping to build a perfect future with her. Unfortunately, Michael’s wishes didn’t come true. When he started dating Angela, he realized she wasn’t the level-headed and mature woman of his dreams. Rather, she was a short-tempered lady who loved asserting dominance over him.

Michael continued to date Angela despite all the red flags. He treated her like a queen, letting her run him over whenever they met in Nigeria. Slowly but surely, Michael grew tired of Angela’s antics. He began looking for love elsewhere and got caught in 2022. Angela was heartbroken to learn that Michael had told another woman he loved her. Still, she didn’t give up on her relationship. Angela kept fighting for her marriage because she had already invested over five years in it. She eventually joined 90 Day: The Last Resort season 1 to either fix their marital problems or move forward with divorce papers.

Surprisingly, the therapy worked. Michael started to be more open and honest with Angela, and she realized how her hot temperament damaged her relationship. By the end of the season, Michael regained Angela’s trust, and she ripped up the divorce papers, showing she was willing to give her husband another chance to prove his love. Despite undergoing extensive therapy, Michael and Angela’s relationship began deteriorating again. The couple returned to 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? season 8 with a new set of problems. Angela thought Michael was scamming her because he was the admin of a suspicious WhatsApp group called Paradise Men, which allegedly connected American women with Nigerian men.

She even contacted an immigration lawyer to find out if she should stay with Michael after the Paradise Men fiasco. However, she listened to her heart. Even though Angela had doubts about Michael, she welcomed him to the United States when his spousal visa came through. She hoped he’d be eager to build a family with her but also doubted his intentions. In early 2024, Michael ran away from Angela after spending just a few months with her. He broke her heart and reclaimed his freedom.

8. Michael’s Marital Issues With Angela Are Fixable

Angela Deem and Michael Ilesanmi enjoying their wedding day In 90 Day Fiance

Most viewers think Michael and Angela have broken up for good. However, there are still a few reasons they may reconcile one day. From a realistic point of view, the two may get back together because their marital issues aren’t too severe. Angela has a short temper and a lack of trust in Michael. However, she’s willing to change herself, which she proved by joining 90 Day: The Last Resort in 2023. Michael is also not a scammer. He just wants to live a happy life, and it’s possible once Angela fixes her attitude.

While Michael and Angela’s relationship needs extensive marriage counseling, better communication, and honesty, they are capable of making their relationship work.

7. Angela Forgave Michael Before

 Angela Deem laughing in an off shoulder red dress with Michael Ilesanmi in white shirt with red scarf and crown in 90 Day Fiance

Michael may also reconcile with Angela if she forgives him. She is deeply hurt because of her husband’s betrayal. However, 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? season 8 Tell All proves that Michael doesn’t have as much anger towards Angela, suggesting he still adores her. With time, Angela could begin to see things from Michael’s perspective. With the help of self-introspection, she’ll realize he didn’t scam her but chose a peaceful life, which may lead her to forgive him. Angela has forgiven Michael for far worse things in the past. Therefore, she may do it again if her husband wants to return to her. Michael would run back to her if Angela could show more patience, support, and understanding as a wife.

6. Michael Is Going To Have A Reality Check

Michael Ilesanmi 90 Day Fiancé in brown traditional shirt looking upset

Michael may want to reconcile with Angela after he realizes the reality of the situation. For now, he’s living a happy and single life, thinking the new people he has just met in the United States will always stand by him. However, it won’t be long before he realizes he’ll never have someone as trustworthy as Angela again. Not only did she cover Michael’s bills for years, but she also loved him unconditionally. Angela went above and beyond to support Michael, even going so far as to argue with her daughter Skyla. Michael is unlikely to find another woman who would do the same for him. The 90 Day Fiancé franchise star will get his reality check in the coming months, which may push him to reconcile with Angela.

5. Michael Relied On Angela Financially

 Michael Ilesanmi from 90 day fiance sad with negative social media symbols in the background

Michael may also reconcile with Angela for personal and professional benefits. When Michael was in his hometown, he didn’t have to hold a job because his wife gave him free money. Angela paid his bills and allowed him to live without worrying about his expenses. Now, Michael is a new immigrant to the United States without a stable job. He’s doing well for now, but it won’t be long before he realizes his former arrangement was better. He’ll have to work hard to make a living in the United States, which may push him to return to Angela, hoping he can live a carefree life again.

Besides, it doesn’t seem like Michael had picked up any skills or trade in Nigeria, which could help him make money in America and live without Angela’s financial support.

4. Michael & Angela May Reconcile For Reality TV

Michael’s past behavior proves he loves clout and wishes to continue feeling like a celebrity. He is just as clout-hungry as his wife. Unfortunately, Michael could never earn a passive income and live like a king by himself. He doesn’t have the outgoing or entertaining personality to appear in 90 Day: The Single Life independently. The network will only consider casting him alongside Angela as they make a dynamic duo. As a result, Michael may eventually decide to patch up with Angela. He knows Angela would want to stay on TV, much like him. Therefore, he could get back together with her for more fame and money. While talking to ET, Michael mentioned that his future goals include achieving his American dream by making use of his popularity.

3. Michael May Fail To Become Popular & Successful

 a montage of michael ilesanmi in red looking annoyed

Michael’s goal is to become a successful man in the United States after being stuck in a loveless marriage with Angela for so long. He had been talking about utilizing his reality TV fame to build a passive income. He’s also enjoying all the attention from fans who support him on social media. Unfortunately, Michael doesn’t understand that it won’t take more than a few months for 90 Day Fiancé franchise viewers to forget him because of his dull and uninteresting social media content and passive personality. He’ll realize that people only liked him temporarily because of his tumultuous relationship with Angela, not because of his personality. Michael will get a reality check once fans move on from him, which may inspire him to return to Angela.

2. Michael May Still Have Feelings For Angela

90 Day Fiancé Angela Deem in printed top looking serious and Michael Ilesanmi wearing blue shirt smiling cryptically surrounded by graphics of steel hearts

Michael’s recent appearance on 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? season 8 Tell All suggested that he still cared for Angela.

He didn’t talk back to her and even slept on the living room couch so she could sleep in the bedroom peacefully. While Michael didn’t show a lot of affection for his former partner, he was respectful towards her, even though she often screamed in his face. It’s hard to deny that Michael and Angela were once deeply in love. Michael even spent nearly seven years with the woman, even when he wasn’t sure that he’d be able to get his spousal visa. After some time and a couple of setbacks in the United States, Michael might slowly rediscover his feelings for Angela and begin remembering all her positive traits.

1. Michael Loved Angela’s Grandkids

Michael Ilesanmi in 90 Day Fiance Angela Deem and her grandkids with daughter Skyla

Michael may want to get back with Angela for the sake of his other connections. Over the years, he didn’t just build a connection with his wife, but also with her friends and family. While Michael doesn’t have a special bond with Skyla, he’s like a father figure to Angela’s six grandkids. Although Michael finds the kids a little too outspoken, he has shown the desire to be in contact with them, as per ET. During the interview, Michael said he loves and misses Angela’s grandkids. Therefore, he may feel bad about dumping Angela and breaking her grandkids’ hearts. The 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? star may want to temporarily befriend Angela again to make it up to the little ones in the family.

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